How customers are using Ibis Networks for emergency preparedness
Like most companies, we are constantly stretching and stress testing our applications and products but like most, we did not anticipate the extensive impact of the coronovirus. We never imagined that facilities – colleges, schools, businesses, labs – would be simultaneously and indefinitely shut down with very short notice with a need for people to be physically distant to be safe.
Some of our customers quickly leveraged the remote monitoring and control capability of the Ibis platform to either monitor the health of their devices or safely power down equipment. This capability is also being used by the community colleges that have been part of the California Energy Commission plug load study in co-operation with Willdan.
Besides the health and safety aspect of monitoring electrical assets, usage trend data has shown that devices like large LCD display monitors, water coolers, vending machines are left on 24/7 in public spaces, continuing to draw significant amounts of power on nights and weekends. Using our InteliSockets, customers have been powering down thsese devices on nights and weekends, saving up to 400-600 kWh per device per year. The annual savings quickly added up over hundreds of devices on campus.
This capability is not limited to the CEC program on community college campuses in California. The same is true for any facility using our technology – those that are unoccupied because of COVID-19. They can power down for peace of mind, then power up again – easily and safely – when occupants are able to return.